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Protect Yourself

from EMFs


EMF Pollution is the Hidden Crisis of the AI Age.

We won’t realize how bad it is until it’s too late.

Artificial intelligence, 5G, and smart devices are accelerating human progress — but at what cost?

EMFs are increasing at an unprecedented rate, and the research is already outdated.

If you wait for the world to catch up, you’re waiting too long.

But you don’t have to wait. You can start protecting yourself today.

Step 1: Educate Yourself – The Research is Out There

The truth about EMFs is already available—but it’s buried. Use AI tools like ChatGPT to:

Search peer-reviewed studies on EMF exposure and neurological effects.

Look up the effects of wireless radiation, especially in high-exposure areas.

Remember: Every study is already outdated — EMFs are now exponentially stronger.

Step 2: Boost Your Body’s Natural Defense Against EMFs

Increase Vitamin C Intake – Studies suggest oxidative stress is a key mechanism of EMF damage. High-dose Vitamin C may help counteract it.
Earthing, Grounding, and Forest Bathing – Nature is the ultimate reset. Walking barefoot, touching trees, and spending time in nature helps discharge built-up EMF exposure.
Wear Blue Light Glasses – EMFs and artificial light disrupt circadian rhythms. Protect your sleep cycle.
Make Your Sleep Environment EMF-Free – This is the most important 8 hours of your day. Keep your bedroom low-EMF, avoid Wi-Fi near sleep areas, and don’t sleep next to a plugged-in device.

Step 3: Build Your Own Grounding Setup (For Engineers & DIYers)

If you're technical, you don’t have to wait for 29 Earth. You can start today.

Use unfinished copper sheets and copper wire to create DIY grounding stations. (This is how I started.)

Properly ground the setup with an outdoor grounding rod or a grounded outlet.

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